Calderion’s Journeys Part 7:
The Escape from the Slithering Deeps
(A Solo Pathfinder game project) 
Scene 30
   So here I am again, putting Pathfinder through its paces using an online version of the Mythic Game Master Emulator. The Flash player online version I use is found here, although I also have the PDF and a copy of the Flash version to use when I can’t get online. I’ve used it for 6 entries now, and find it a really robust tool. (Not to mention fun!)
   The character I created for this project, a wizard named Calderion, is now 4th level & has recently been transformed from a human into a tiefling after an encounter with a Contract Devil. Cal tricked it into a contract that forced it back to Hell without any victims to drag back with it. As a kind of revenge it left Cal as a tiefling, so anyone looking close will know he had stained his soul by contracting with infernal powers. That was a twist I wasn’t expecting, and part of the fun of using the GM Emulator. Go back and read Part 6 if you want to see the whole story.
   Now, picking up where the last entry left off, we rejoin Calderion & his companions: the paladin named Kushear, his cousin Myrlia (priestess of the goddess Arshea), both of whom are half-elves. Also with them is the rogue Ralvor, (Myrlia’s human lover) and Fannen, a hermit druid living in the Slithering Deeps. Fannen is a former friend of Ralvor’s who agreed to act as a guide (although his dislike for Ralvor has made him regret his choice). The final member is a newcomer to the narrative: Lyzia the Lyrakien. She is the Lyrakien Azata the group was sent to rescue. In the swamp called the Slithering Deeps Lyzia was held prisoner by the necromancer Argren. Now free, she has sworn to serve Kushear for a year and a day as a way of thanks. The minor fact that Lyzia is also infatuated with Kushear, suffering from a heavy crush and hero worship of her rescuer, may have played small part in her pledge. 
   This new scene starts with the team split between 2 areas. While Cal and Kushear are stuck in the necromancer’s workroom along with the newly-released Lyzia, the others are separated outside by a wall of ice that one of the devils magically created to block the entrance. Cal has just learned that he is no longer quite human anymore, and is wrestling with how exactly to feel about that. In the meantime, the trio blocked outside the workroom- Fannen, Myrlia, & Ralvor- have no idea the devils have been dismissed, and are frantically trying to remove the ice wall barricading the entrance to affect some kind of rescue. The barricade only lasts 12 minutes, so it is going to collapse in a moment anyway, reuniting the group. Cal’s Hero Lab file has been updated to reflect the new changes as a tiefling and I have also updated the GM Emulator to the new (lowered) Chaos level. I scaled it back to 6, although once another combat is initiated that will jump again to 7. This is still lower than it was, but then the next encounter shouldn’t be as dire as the previous with the Contract Devil. My last entry had a random Negative Scene Change pop up on the Emulator, and after a few questions to clarify things, it was determined that the Ogre, Tommy Two-toes, that the group fought & killed in the keep’s courtyard way back in Part 2 has a mate…and she is Not Happy. I named the love-struck hulk Brutal Betty. When I asked the GM Emulator whether she would attack the group inside the keep, the answer was “Yes”. I followed that up with a request for some more details, particularly “Q: Does she attack from ambush? A: Somewhat Hilarious Laziness”. I translated that into “Betty tries to ambush the group but she’s totally useless at hiding and fails”. It makes sense- Ogres, after all, aren’t really all that bright.
   So that is the opening stage of this scene- Cal and friends are upstairs upon the 2nd floor mezzanine of the old, ruined keep, with its rooms off the balcony and the open feast hall below. The necromancer Argren has been killed. His Lizardfolk and werewolf allies have abandoned the ruins for the safety of the swamp, and the zombie minions have all been destroyed. The devil that Argren had been bargaining with has been tricked back to Hell empty-handed, and Lyzia has been rescued.
   However, Betty is now downstairs waiting to smash the puny man-things that killed her mate.
   So the curtain rises…
   Calderion looked at his friend with a perplexed expression that changed to shock as understanding of what he said penetrated. “A teifling. A fiend-touched. A shadow-souled. That I would be such…words escape me.” He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
“I know. Don’t fear, we’ll stand by you. We’ll scour the world for a means of restoring you and wiping this stain from…” Kushear begins to pronounce.
   “What? Wait…no! This is classic bard stuff! The mysterious shadow-touched mage traveling the land, fighting the forces of darkness! I TOLD you this mission was epic! I’m living a ballad story! This is AWSOME!” Cal crowed.
   Lyzia stared at the youngster. “Is he always like this, or has the change driven him to madness?” She asked Kushear, sounding almost horrified at the young wizard’s naiveté.
  The paladin looked pained and raised his helm to pinch the bridge of his nose. Eyes closed, Kushear slowly shook his head. “No, this is pretty much normal for him. I guess we should be glad of that, and grateful that the taint hasn’t truly changed him from being…well…himself.”
   “Normal. This is NORMAL?” the tiny woman muttered incredulously. “Maybe I was better imprisoned by the necromancer.”
   Cal didn’t notice the by-play of his companions. “I wonder what else I can do. All the stories have the shadow-souled having strange things that they hide from others: Tails, that they can use to grasp things; wings; or other stuff like call unnatural darkness to hide in. Claws or fangs too.” He looked at his unchanged hands and wiggled his fingers experimentally. “No claws.” He opened and pointed to his mouth. “Wha bow wangs?” he asks.
  Kushear started to look annoyed at Cal’s antics, but answered with exaggerated patience. “No, Cal. No fangs. Just your eyes.” His face then paled as he noticed a strange movement in back of the young wizard. The black-furred tip of a cat-like tail was now visible over Cal’s shoulder. It flexed with tentacle-like dexterity then wrapped itself twice around Calderion’s throat. “Gods of Light! What did that hell spawn do to you?!”
   After a long hiatus I recently got back into this game again. The GM Emulator popped out a “Negative Scene Change” alert as I was setting it up. I needed more info, so asked “Q: How is the scene negatively altered?” and got “Disturbing Creation, Calderion (Tiefling wiz 4)” in reply. Looking back over the rules for Cal’s new race, I saw Tieflings have the option to change out their Fiendish Sorcery trait for a Prehensile Tail that allows them to retrieve small stowed items as a swift action. The tail cannot wield weapons, but since Calderion can’t benefit from the Fiendish Sorcery trait anyway (He’s a wizard not a sorcerer) I decided to add a bit more weirdness to our hero, since this is allowed within the rules. I changed his Hero Lab worksheet to reflect this addition.
   “Oh!” Cal reached to touch the furry rope-like appendage. He blinked in surprise as it obligingly let loose and looped around his wrist instead. He stroked its length a bit, and closed his eyes in pleasure. “Gods! That feels really niiice..!” he almost moaned. Kushear pointedly cleared his throat. Calderion’s eyes flew open and his face flushed scarlet in embarrassment, as his new tail uncoiled from around his wrist. “Umm, yeah…sorry. It’s a lot to get used to.” Cal stammered. “It feels totally alien but at the same time completely natural. It’s hard to describe.” he tried to explain, as he rubbed the tip of his new tail under his chin in thought. As he realized what he was doing the tail zipped back behind him, temporarily out of sight. “This is going to be really awkward while I adapt to this. I guess there is only one thing left to do…” Cal’s voice trailed off as he pulled out his dagger and reached around behind himself.
   “Wait! There is no need to self-mutilate yourself! Self-harm is not the way to face this! Cutting it off won’t change what you’ve become!” Kushear lunged at the youth, and tried to pull the blade from his hand. “We can work this out! We’ll help you get through this!”
   Cal released the blade and stepped back with a confused expression, while his new tail extended out in surprise. “What?! Why would I…what are you talking about? I wasn’t going to do anything like that!” he said in a wounded tone. “How could you think I would? I was just going to cut a slot in my trousers to allow my tail to sit more comfortably! It’s rubbing against my belt!”
   “Oh.” This time it was Kushear’s turn to turn red with embarrassment. The half-elf ashamedly handed Calderion back his dagger. “Sorry Cal. I forgot who I was dealing with. Of course you wouldn’t see this as a curse. You just don’t see the world that way, do you?” he asked rhetorically, as he face-palmed and shook his head. I asked the GM Emulator  “Q: Would Kushear's horror at Cal's change alter the way he treats Cal? YES”.  So I checked further into how Kushear’s attitude would change by asking “Q: Would Kushear pity Cal for now being a tiefling? YES”. But there was also a random event pop up at the second question regarding the story thread: “E: Progress on 'Rest up & return to Bottle Bay to report the mission success.': the Release of Expectations”. The random event moves the story forward. It also came after Kushear’s change in attitude. So I decided the “Release of Expectations” refers to something that makes Kushear realize his pity is misplaced and he now accepted Calderion’s new condition.
   “Definitely might have been better with the necromancer.” Lyzia groused repressively.”
Calderion looked at the lyrakien in confusion. “But we just rescued you! What…?” he never finished his thought, as they were suddenly interrupted by a glacial cracking noise behind them. All 3 spun around to look, just as the devil-spawned wall of ice blocking the workshop door suddenly crumbled away & then vanished. Their companions who had been trapped outside, having no knowledge of the situation within, charged into the necromancer’s workshop with weapons readied, only to come up short when no enemy was seen.
   Just a side note- Cal’s Hero Lab file originally had “power hungry” as Cal’s character flaw. That has never been put into play, and indeed is really off-base for the way he has been portrayed. So when I updated him to a tiefling I also switched that out for “naïve”. I think that suits him more accurately.
   “Kushear! Cal! Are you alright?” Myrlia asked with desperate worry. “The power of those devils was incredible! What happened?” She then noticed the lyrakien azata perched upon Kushear’s shoulder. “Mistress! You’re free! Thank the Goddess!”
   “Myrlia, meet Lyzia, holy messenger of the Goddess Yuelral. With Argren dead, freeing her was simply a matter of breaking the seal he had trapped her with. As for the devils…they had me magically paralyzed, freezing me in mid-act of drawing my sword. It was left to Cal to deal with the horrors. He was successful, but paid a terrible price for it.” Kushear told her solemnly .
   “What?! Cal! What price…?” Myrlia twirled around to face Calderion, who met her concerned look with his new violet eyes, while his new black cat-furred tail hung despondingly from his shoulder. “Oh, Cal! What did you do?”
Cal’s earlier exuberance deflated in the face of the half-elf cousins profound worry and grief over the changes wrought upon him. “I had no choice. I could never have defeated them in a direct conflict- I’m not sure all of us together could. So I picked up where the necromancer left off. They were here to bargain, so I bargained.”
   “You gave your soul to damnation?! What were you thinking, boy!” Fannen said in an angry, disappointed tone.
   “No! My soul was NEVER offered!” Calderion explained in the face of his friend’s condemnation, as his tail bushed out in anxiety. “I sacrificed a portion of my magic, and my most valuable magic item, as the price for the devils simply leaving back to their own domain. But I tricked him! The headband I surrendered was my most valuable item, but since it also increased my magic, giving it up filled BOTH conditions of the contract. The devil had to settle with just the headband, and leave me untouched. It was naturally angry at this result, and crushed the headband. A pulse of power was released by its destruction, and I suspect it used that as an excuse to sneak in some revenge. It transformed me before it left. We can’t prove it was the devil, and not some freakish magical effect, so we can’t claim it broke the contract.”
   “Huh. That was a good trick you pulled off. I don’t expect any of us would have thought of it. Not when faced with risking our souls like that. You wear your new face as a badge of honor, kid. You saved everyone here.” Ralvor said roughly from Myrlia’s side. I asked the GM Emulator Q: After hearing Cal's daring bargaining with the devils, and hearing the praise of his companions, does Ralvor begin to resent & envy Cal? NO. This was a bit of a minor twist, but fits with Ralvor’s attempts to reconcile with Cal after stealing from him & getting caught (see the details in Part 6), so I added it to the narrative. 
   Calderion flicked his violet gaze to the rogue & straightened his tail in surprise, then looked away in embarrassment. “I…uh…Thanks.” He cast his eyes downwards for a moment, then breathed deeply and exhaled. He straightened up as he seemed to reach a sudden decision, and looked directly at Ralvor. “Thanks greatly, Ral. That meant a lot to me.” Cal took a few steps and offered Ral his hand. I decided that, given Calderion’s inherent belief in goodness, he can’t continue to hold a grudge against the rogue, especially in the face of Ral’s obvious remorse. This is Cal’s unspoken forgiveness of the rogue’s earlier actions.
   Ralvor’s usual dour expression softened for a moment as he accepted both Calderion’s hand and his meaning in the gesture. “Just make sure you stay on the right side of the shadows, kid. Despite your new change I trust I’ve been closer to the dark than you, and believe me when I say it’s a damned and lonely place to be. But so far, you’re doing good.” the older man said as he released Cal’s grip.
   I think before I continue I’ll assign the experience points (XP) for the encounter with the Contract Devil earlier from Part 6, before I forget. Defeating such a creature is normally almost 10k worth in XP. But Cal DIDN’T defeat it. (Quite frankly it would’ve destroyed him if he had tried.) That moved the encounter into a role-play type, which drops its Challenge Level down to the Average Party Level. With an APL of 4, this encounter now becomes worth 1200 XP.
   However, the results of this encounter, particularly Cal’s change to a tiefling, have significant effects on the narrative. This, in my opinion, boosts it into the category of Story Awards (see Awarding Experience) which doubles it to 2400 XP. I added that amount to Calderion’s Hero Lab file. It moves him closer to Level 5, but for the moment changes nothing. I didn’t split the award with any of the NPCs because the encounter was all Calderion’s. They had no real part in how it played out.
   “In any event, we’re done here. Let’s get back to Fannen’s cabin, collect our gear, and see about making our way back to Bottle Bay. I would really like to be sleeping in a nice clean bed as soon as we can arrange it!” Myrlia interrupted.
   Ral gave his lover a lecherous grin. “Oh, that sounds good too. The bed part, anyway. I think we can even fit in some sleep…eventually.”
   Myrlia rolled her eyes at the remark, but grinned back at him. “I am a priestess of the goddess Arshea. I have devotions to perform. You’d better be well-rested if you intend to meet my divine needs.” she reminded him.
   “It’ll be ‘divine’ alright…” Ral leered. He moved back to stand again at her side.
   “Bah! Besotted, the both of you. Yes, let’s go. The sooner you trouble-makers leave my swamp the better!” Fannen turned and stomped off toward the stairwell back down.
   “Wait! Fannen- don’t go off alone!” Kushear put a hand to Fannen’s shoulder to restrain him a moment. “The other werewolves are still out there someplace. Let’s not become complacent. We still need to be careful.”
   “What remains to be done? We’re finished with your mission, are we not?” the old druid snapped belligerently.
   “I, for one, would like to see this workshop in flames before we leave.” Calderion answered, as he began to pull down Argren’s posted notes and make a pile of furniture and equipment out of the room’s fixtures. “It would be prudent to destroy his lab, to ensure no other student of necromancy can duplicate his efforts. You really don’t want to do this again, do you?”   I already know Betty is going to try (and fail) to ambush the group. My first idea was to have her block the stairs. She’s a giant-kind, after all, so just by standing in the way she will take up most of the spiral staircase. The smartest place is for her to await them at the bottom of the stairs…but Ogres are not noted for their brains. Checking with the GM Emulator: “Q: When Betty attacks in the stairwell, will she attack from the foot of the stairs? EXCEPTIONAL NO”. So I guess Betty will hit them at the top of the stairs. In fact, with the EXCEPTIONAL part of the answer, I decide to have her be really stupid, and charge the group as they approach, taking them on up on the mezzanine. This is dumb because it allows the team to encircle her. This might be a quick fight.
   I just got a Random Event involving Cal from the GM Emulator while I was asking it about how the Ogress was going to attack the group.
   “E: Negative for Calderion (wiz 4): a Betrayal of the intellectual”. From this I extrapolate that this idea of Cal’s to burn the lab is a Bad Plan*. To find out how bad I ask a few more questions. “Q: Will destroying Argren's lab cause the whole keep to burn? YES”. Umm…ok…so…yeah, bad.
   Could it get worse? “Q: Will the burning keep attract any other foes? YES”. Yes, apparently it can. Oh joy. I do a check to find out which enemies will show. “Q: Will it be boggards that investigate? YES”. So it looks like the team will have to fight Brutal Betty, Ogress mate of the now-dead Tommy Two-toes, to escape the burning keep, only to run into a clutch of evil frog-men on their way out. At least it’s not boring.
   “I hate it when you make sense.” Ralvor grumbled, then marched over to the workbenches and helped Cal add items to the growing bier. A quick splash of lantern oil over the pile completed the work, and a trail of oil was poured to the door of the workshop. As the group left together, a tindertwig was applied to the oil and the workshop door was closed behind them, as the last remnant of Argren’s evil went up in flames.
   It was with feelings of a job well done that the five companions marched towards the stairs that lead down back to the old fort’s main hall. They ignored the billowing smoke flowing from under the now-smoldering laboratory door behind them. It was soon to be a non-issue, they felt, since they would be quickly back out into the Slithering Deeps, and finally away from the necromancer’s lair.
   So it came as an unpleasant shock when the door to the stairwell before them shattered from a massive blow, and a hideously malformed giantess stepped onto the stone mezzanine in front of them. She was humongous, with roils of flesh squeezing out from under the reptile-hide armor worn over her bulging frame. Her face was blob of lesion-pocked flesh with tiny piggish eyes under a few strands of greasy hair and a nose so flattened it was almost unnoticed against her face. Crooked, irregularly-spaced jade-green teeth poked from her mouth as she screeched her rage upon seeing the group.
   “Y’all kilt mah poor Tommy! Y’all done mah boi-frond! Iz gonna gitcha all! Betty’s gonna bust ya’ll up!” the enraged Ogress screamed. She pulled out a delicate glass vail filled with something oily and smashed it against her two-handed club, spattering it over the weapon. She then charged towards them at a lumbering pace. 
   “Oh, bugger.” Ral muttered, as he pulled out his bow and prepared for combat, along with everyone else. “Not again…”
  Unseen, and overlooked by all, the smoldering workshop door ignited into flame, as the conflagration within spread to the wooden remains of the old fort’s roof beams.
       So now a new fight begins, and with that a new scene. The GM Emulator already determined this place is going to burn, so I guestimated that it will take 4 rounds of combat time before the ceiling of the top level is aflame  and everyone up there begins to take damage from the heat & smoke, similar to being trapped in a forest fire . Two rounds after that, the roof will collapse, burying anyone still up there in burning rubble. Four rounds after that the ceiling supports for the main floor will also burn through, bringing the entire structure crashing down. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock…
   …And the GM Emulator just flashed a random negative Scene Alteration. It checks whenever a scene ends and a new one begins to see if the new scene is altered. In this case I lost the odds and the change goes unfavorably for the players (me). I examine the ogre’s Hero Lab file and find she has an Oil of Magic Weapon on her equipment list. I decide to check with the Emulator to determine if her use of this potion to give her a boost to her attack and damage will count as the negative alteration. “Q: Is the negative alteration Betty adding her Oil of Magic Weapon to her club? YES”. Okay then. I edited the description above to add that detail to the narrative.
Scene 31
   I’ll now shift everything into a combat mode. Rolling for initiative, I get these results: Betty (17), Calderion (12), Fannen (19), Kushear (14), Lyzia(19), Myrlia (27), and Ralvor (21). Lyzia and Fannen tied with a 19 each, but according to the rules, because Lyzia has the greater bonus to her roll (+8 versus Fannen’s measly +1) she goes before him. Rearranging the characters into Initiative order (highest to lowest, with highest going 1st) I get: Myrlia, Ralvor, Lyzia, Fannen, Betty, Kushear and Cal going last. Doing some further prep work for the combat I make some more rolls to determine if anyone is Surprised before the combat round begins. The Ogress already has a -6 penalty to her stealth skill, and since the GM Emulator has given her another blow to her sneakiness, I added an additional -2 penalty. That resulted in Betty having a paltry roll of 6. I then rolled a Perception skill check for each of the good guys to see if they countered her stealth and spotted Betty before she attacked. Everyone easily beat the 6…except Cal. So not only is he dead last in the combat order, he is the only one caught flat-footed by the Ogress’ arrival. Derp. If he didn’t have the NPCs to run interference, he’d be flattened by the Ogress.  Hurray for cannon-fodder! So what will happen is Cal will lose his action in the 1st round, while combat begins around him. Anyway, I’ll dive right into it.
Round 1
   As the massive malformed creature lurched towards the group, Myrlia stepped forward and swung her morning-star mace at her bulk. The weapon’s spikes stabbed into the Ogress’ ample fat, leaving deep punctures behind when Myrlia pulled her weapon back. As Betty screetched in pain, Myrlia said “Tommy likely wanted to die, with an ugly thing like you in his bed!” Betty has an Armor Class of 21, so weapons need to get a roll equal or higher than that to hit her. Myrlia barely made the roll with a 22, and did 6 points of damage. The Ogress started with 38, so drops down to 32 points.
   Over Myrlia’s head, Ralvor launched an arrow at the giantess’ globular head. The shot flew true to its target, but barely penetrated the flab around Betty’s triple chins at her throat. She brushed away the arrow sticking out, with hardly any notice. His shot hit with a 26, but only rolled a single point for damage. Betty is left with 31 hit points remaining.
   Lyzia drops behind Kushear as he moves to confront the hideous Betty. “Be strong, Champion! Let the Goddess Yuelral  aid you and your patroness Iomedae! At her words Kushear’s sword blade bursts into flame. Lyzia casts her Sun Metal spell upon Kushear’s sword upon her turn.
   Fannen moved to the side, away from his allies, and produced what appeared to be a small twig. He pointed the stick at the Ogress then spoke a gibberish-sounding word. A purple, magical aura enveloped the Ogress, locking her in place. Paralyzed on the spot, the corpulent creature quivered in rage, unable to act. Fannen uses his Wand of Hold Person upon her. She needed to beat a difficulty class (DC) of 13 on a Will-based Saving Throw roll, and failed by rolling an 8. Betty will be paralyzed for 3 rounds, although she does get another saving throw each round to try and break free. In the meanwhile, her Armor Class drops to 15 while she’s affected. She loses her action this round, so I’ll jump to Kushear next.
   I’m really shocked the wand worked. Betty has a +5 bonus for her Will-based Saving Throws. With that kind of bonus and such a low DC on the wand, I doubt it will hold her for long.
   Kushear, wearing a grim smile, strode up to the Ogress, his longsword flickering with flame in the dim light. “Feel the justice of two goddess’ power, you grotesque deviant!” He plunged his longsword into the bulbous flesh of her chest, the flames along the blade cauterizing the wound even as he buried it half way along the blade’s length. Kushear rolled a 26 to hit. He needed only 15, so hits easily. Damage done was 9 points from the sword, with an additional 4 points from the flames, for a total of 13. That drops Betty down to 18. They’re really working Brutal Betty over. I doubt she’ll last another round. I sort of figured this might be a quick fight.
   But then there’s Calderion…
   Cal stared dumbstruck as the massive misshapen giantess lumbered toward the gathered group. As his colleagues jumped into action, the young tiefling finally shook off his surprise and grabbed at one of the scrolls fastened to the bandoleers across his chest. Clumsily he tried to unroll it to use, only to fumble the bottom and end up with the parchment unraveled at his feet. With his face bright red with shame and embarrassment, he let the scroll drop to be retrieved later rather than waste the time to re-roll it. Ralvor, the only one of the group back far enough to see Cal’s blunder, rolled his eyes at the youth and said “Nice to see you’re still you, kid. Being a tiefling doesn’t seem to have changed you much.” Cal made no answer, but he managed to look even more chagrinned as his tail drooped in embarrassment.                                     Cal was caught flat-footed and surprised this round, so has no actions until the next. The rest of it- his dropping the scroll- I just made up to add some fun details. The only scrolls he has left with any attack spells are Burning Hands spells, which he really can’t use anyway, not without hitting the other characters as well at least, so it shouldn’t affect anything. Got to say I’m having fun adding his tail in the descriptions to show Cal’s reactions. >Grin<.
   Above the combatants, smoke swirled unnoticed, blackening the ceiling. An orange glow illuminated the trusses, as the flames formed an aura overhead. 
Round 2
   Start of a new combat round, so I start back at the beginning of the initiative order again, with Myrlia starting first.
   Myrlia swung her spiked mace again, intending to bash Betty’s chest where Kushear’s flaming sword had burned through, but missed her mark. The weapon instead bounced solidly against the hardened leather of the Ogress’ reptile hide armor. Despite only needing a 15 to hit Betty, Myrlia rolled a paltry 9, bonuses included, and so failed to hit.
   Ralvor turned away from tormenting Cal, and once more nocked and fired an arrow at their attacker, but like his lover’s mace, his shot simply bounced off the giantess’ cuirass. He rolled a 13. Total. With a +7 bonus to hit he still missed. This is not looking so good.
   Lyzia approached the paralyzed giantess. Flying just over her head, she channels the divine power of Elysium, unleashing a blast of holy starlight in a 5-foot burst. The touch of the pureness of this light burns into the evil soul of the ogre, searing its flesh like a bad sunburn. The Lyrakien Azata uses its Starlight blast ability and delivers 4 points of damage to Betty.
   Fannen spoke in a low voice, his words heard as a strange cadence. Using the secret language known only to the Druids of the Green Faith, he called a small earth spirit- an elemental- to his service. Pointing at the female ogre, he directed it to attack. He used his ability to change out any of his spells for a Summon Nature’s Ally spell of the same level, and switched out one of his Barkskin spells to cast a 2nd level summons spell instead.
   The small stone spirit, looking like a rough tumble of rocks stacked in a man-shaped pile, moved up to the ogre-woman, and swung one of its arms at her knee. The fist-sized rocks that tip its arm slammed into her leg with the audible crack of bone. The elemental strikes Betty with a 17 to hit, and inflicts 6 points of damage. Betty is down to only 8 hit points now.
   Betty tried to break free of the magic holding her, but the pain being inflicted caused her efforts to fail. The monstrosity screamed silently as the wand’s power continued to lock her in place. She failed her Saving Throw roll again, rolling an 11 total this time. That still doesn’t beat a difficulty class (DC) of 13, so she remains paralyzed.
   Kushear again plunged the burning longsword into Betty’s ample chest. Paralyzed by magic and defenceless, the monster died with nothing to show for its efforts at revenge. Kushear succeeded his Attack Roll, getting 23 total. His damage was only 5 points, but the fire from the burning blade added another 4 points to that, giving him just enough to end this fight.  He pulled the blade free and shoved the dead giantess, toppling the massive corpse to the floor. “That was much easier than the last ogre we faced. A good thing, too.” He motioned upwards to the now fully-engulfed roof above them. “We need to leave, and quickly!”
   The troop hurried to the stairwell, intent on escaping the burning ruin before the roof could collapse on top of them. Smoke and ash swirled in the air, making breathing difficult. Calderion paused just long enough to retrieve his fallen scroll before rushing after them. Ralvor too paused a moment, and performed a quick search of the dead ogre before following along.
   He flashed a quick grin at the wizard as they dashed down the stairs, and held up a trio of small vials for him to see. “Sometimes it’s worth a moment to check things. You never know what might come of it!” he advised as they head for the main door to the courtyard, and the Slithering Deeps beyond.
   Ralvor grabbed the 3 potions of Cure Light Wounds that Betty had. I thought I would just bypass the next encounter, though. Since the team has leveled up, the boggards supposedly waiting for them outside the ruined tower are now far too weak opponents to make any kind of real challenge. Essentially they’re a waste of time, and play no part in the narrative.  However, when I took another look at the monster’s stats
   Crossing the cobbled, algae-covered courtyard to the wall breach, they quickly retrieved Fannen’s skiff from its hiding place, and pushed off into the steaming green waters of the swamp. Scarcely had the small craft reached open water when behind them was a tremendous crashing roar, as the upper floors of the old ruin collapsed upon itself. The whole edifice was left as now as nothing but a burning pile of rubble, hidden behind its still-standing curtain wall. Fannen poled the skiff deeper into the mist and smoke, until the glow of the fire faded from view, and eventually even the smell of the smoke disappeared as they moved away, working back towards Fannen’s lodge at the edge of the Deeps. As the mist closed around the tired adventurers, none notice the bulbous eyes tracking them from the green murky waters.
   And I think I’ll end this one here. The next instalment involves a complete location change, so this looks like a good stopping point. I would like to apologize for the long hiatus between posts, but time and life seemed to interfere, with a lot of things hitting me in the last year or so. I hope to post more later with less time between. Thanks for reading!  




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