Calderion's Journeys:
 An Attempt at a Solo Pathfinder Campaign
(Part 2)
Original Project Synopsis:
   Using the Pathfinder RPG rules as a core game system, and utilizing various downloaded internet resources, primarily the Fate Chart from the Mythic RPG (pg. 26 of the Mythic RPG rules- I'll simply call it MyRPG from here on) as well as other sources, I intend to try to create game scenarios for solo play without a game moderator or even other players present. I intend to record the results of the actual mechanics here (such as which resources & tables I used, page numbers, dice rolls, etc.) then translate these into campaign story events to advance the character(s) & their exploits. As I go along, I'll be writing down these exploits as letters and travel logs from the character's viewpoint, and mailing them out to the character's friends and family "back home" (i.e., e-mailing them to my absent gaming group). This has all been inspired by a few different things- 1) I really wanted to see if Mythic will live up to its claim about GM-less play, 2) I thought I might as well get some use out of all these RPG books I got, since my gaming group doesn't seem to be interested anymore, and 3) I saw an old "Fraggle Rock" kids TV show the other day with Uncle "Traveling" Matt writing about his adventures to his nephew, and thought it was a fun idea. 
Project Update for part 2:
   Since the time the above synopsis was written I got 28 pages into the solo game. My in-game character (a wizard named Calderion built using the Hero Lab program for the Pathfinder role playing game, designed as a specialist in the “teleportation” sub-set of the Conjuration school of magic) had been working out quite well after a bit of a learning curve. The character had been revised twice and achieved 3rd level. I had also learned a lot. I had switched from the paper book version of the Mythic system to an automated, computer version that had been put out on the internet as a free-ware flash program called The GM Emulator. In the previous Part 1 of this project, I had used yellow highlighting & italics to separate out-of-character stuff such as game mechanics, Emulator results, and my own comments from the in-character events that would follow. Rick made the observation that that was rather awkward to read, so for Part 2 I’ll instead change the font color of my out-of-character stuff, and use italics only for the questions I enter into the GM Emulator program, as well as any results I get (answers, random events, scene changes, & so forth).  Another change from my original idea from Part 1 is one that I wasn’t doing anyway: I’m thinking I’ll give up the idea of writing “back home” to my friends with in-character letters. I had never gotten around to that in Part 1 anyway. Since the original game group that Calderion would be “writing” to never really happened beyond a 1-session game and none of the players have ever played again, I’ll just take this up as a private project. Another change was my adding the use of Pathfinder Plot Twist cards to the game to give a bit of a more “table top role play” feel to the project. The cards are given out at a campaign’s start and at every level achieved. I purchased both the original Plot Twist deck plus the Plot Twist: Flashbacks deck, and have been drawing cards from each deck as Cal leveled. I then would pick one card from one deck or the other, and replace the unused card back in the deck it came from. So far I have 3 cards chosen: “Wrath” & “Beloved Tale” from the Plot Twist deck and “Cause & Effect” from the Flashbacks deck. When I get around to using the cards I’ll describe their game use and return them to the deck they came from. Basically, they allow either direct game mechanics to be applied (i.e. “Wrath” causes the target to be unable to take any action requiring any degree of concentration) or provide license to add story elements based upon the card (i.e. “Wrath” can make a shop keeper feel he’s been cheated and decide to act out in revenge). In a real game with other players they would allow players an avenue to participate in the game’s story narrative. I’ll probably use them as a way to inspire and alter the game as I go along, or shake things up if it starts to get stale. Everything else will be the same as Part 1, dictated by GM Emulator and using the Pathfinder rules as found online at the Paizo website or at the website for the Open Gaming License version of the rules. I got the game books in PDF format, but if I got internet access, looking things up on the Pathfinder Reference Document is allot faster.                                                                     
   Game recap:
   Due to a file loss 6 pages went missing from Part 1- the remaining back up copy ends part ways through page 22. So here is a short repeat of Cal’s Journey up to and past the point of Part 1, to include the missing pages.
   By the time I decided to start Part 2 of this game Calderion’s adventures had taken him from the city of Briarport east along the Great Coast Road with a caravan of dwarves, until they went their separate ways after Cal insisted on rescuing a giant eagle from an evil sea hag & the merchants’ refused to get involved. After that fight, Cal decided to travel along the coast towards the Slithering Deeps, instead of taking the mountain route past the great swamp, through Rampart Mountains, like the caravan. His plan after that fight was to cross over to the island city-state of Tolifer, known as the City of Channels, to train at the Arcaneum Primus University (a change from heading to the Imperial Collegiate of Magic in the Imperial capital of Tal Sorel like he originally wanted). Tolifer had a darker reputation than the Talmaran Empire, but it was closer & Cal did not believe he had the resources to make the longer journey. The fight with the sea hag had shaken his confidence in his ability to deal with the world without help, so he looked to the great schools to train up his power and allow him to continue his travels safely. (His desire to travel was also my in-character justification to change him over to the “teleport” subset of the Conjuration school of magic.) 
   After a further week of travel, uneventful save for the miserable stormy winter weather & a near miss by a random lightning strike, Cal arrived at the harbor town of Bottle Bay, the last bit of civilization before the coastal hills slide into the brackish, perpetually warm and bubbling Slithering Deeps. (I just made up the name Bottle Bay a moment ago. I never did name the town in Part 1.) Once there, Cal managed to arrange passage by ship to Tolifer. However, there was a delay in departure when it was found that the ship’s stores had spoiled. Getting replacement stock from the merchant that had sold it to the ship’s Captain would take 2 weeks. At loose ends until then, Calderion found notice of an expedition heading into the Slithering Deeps on a rescue mission to save one of the elven Goddess Yuelral’s mortal messengers.
   With none of her own followers close enough to help, the Goddess had to reach beyond her own elven pantheon for aid. Iomedae, the greater goddess of Justice & Law, and Arshea, goddess of Freedom, agreed to her request. They put out a call to their faithful for agents of good to help. A party consisting of Kushear, a newly-minted paladin of Iomedae, and the Arshean priestess Myrlia & her rogue lover Ralvor took up the quest. Ralvor had an old friend who lived in the Deeps, and was willing to guide them to the old ruins of an Imperial provincial fortress. The wizard Argren the Dark was holed up there with his prisoner. At that point the Druid named Fannen (the guide I created to fill that role) was unwilling to do more than get the group into the ruins. He was a nominal ally of the local Lizardfolk & was unwilling to risk that alliance to aid them further. The wizard holding the messenger captive had recruited a large number of outcast Lizardfolk as well as the ogre that laired in the ruins to help him, and Fannen was worried that the greater Lizardfolk community would lose any trust of him if he fought these renegades.
   A random adventure generator had given me this adventure outline. The adventure was created using the Random Fantasy Adventure Generator tables created by Adamant Entertainment. The dice result as rolled was: 4,4 (rescue) 4,8 (outsider) from 4,1 (ruins) complicated by 7,1 (monsters) while opposed by 3,3 (a wizard). I fleshed out the details using the CR 2 of the party (Cal + 3 npc characters with total levels =8 divided by 4= 2) and looked for CR 2 monsters to fill out the details- used the Dungeon (low-level) random table from pg. 324 of the Pathfinder Bestiary, plus a villain npc wizard named Argren the Dark as the final boss. As for Argren's prisoner- I had him holding a Lyrakien Azata from Pathfinder Bestiary 2 pg. 38 (a sort of fairy-like messenger of the goddess Yuelral, elven deity of natural magic and wonders) in a plan to trade the Lyrakien to infernal powers in exchange for increased power of his own.
   Rick had done me a solid & created an automated file version of the adventure generator, but it’s no longer functional. I’ll see if he still has a working copy. (Edit: got a new copy from Rick. Whataguy!)
   Calderion was recruited into this expedition and after meeting up with Fannen in the Deeps, the group proceeded to a back entrance that Fannen knew of. Delayed by a raiding party of Boggard frog-men and a thick fog that made even Fannen unable to navigate the swamp, they eventually found the lost tunnel and gained access. Here Fannen changed his mind and decided to accompany the team into the ruins after all. Unfortunately the tunnel’s air had been fouled by hallucinogenic swamp gas, and Ralvor was overcome, forcing the group to retreat back out the tunnel. As they withdrew, the gas ignited, turning the entire dungeon into a fiery inferno and blasting the lower level of the fortress with a huge explosion. All of this was determined by random details interpreted from questions asked of the GM Emulator. Having lost the element of surprise, or perhaps more accurately achieved it beyond any wild belief, the group launched an open attack on the survivors of the blast & defeated the remaining guards outside the main keep of the fortress. Now they are ready to advance upon the blasted tower and enter the ruins proper.   
   I managed to recover the opening scene of Scene 22 from the GM Emulator, so I’ll re-start this project at that point.
We now rejoin our heroes:
Scene 22:
   The ruined fort's courtyard is blackened by the fire and small spots even now smolder and burn. Scattered about are the charred remains of at least a 1/2 dozen lizardfolk guards. The burnt doors to the old fort have been blasted out into the courtyard, and smoke flows out of the open entry and the arrow slots of the fortress walls. The expedition eyes the smoky expanse suspiciously and readies for conflict.
   This description is what I recovered from the GM Emulator. I renewed Cal’s Mage Armor spell from his scroll, his Shield spell was activated, plus I made a note of the fact that most of his alchemical gear pieces had his Retrieve Item spell cast on them. At this point I activated the GM Emulator and entered the following: Q: “Are there any more guards defending the keep entrance?” A: “EXCEPTIONAL Yes.” I then rolled 1d10 for the number of guards. I got a result of 1. Really?   o.O   Okay, 1 guard but something exceptional. I guess it’s time to bring in the Ogre that is known to lair in these ruins. Time to fight!  
     Here are the basic character combat stats listed in order (just to show I’m not just pulling these out of air):
   Cal (wizard 3): Armor Class: 21/18 surprised. Hit Points: 18. Weapon Damage (staff): 1D6+2 or by spell.
    Kushear (paladin 2): AC: 18/18. HP: 21. Weapon Damage (long sword): 1D8+2. 
    Ralvor (rogue 2): AC: 17/14. HP: 20. Weapon Damage (short sword): 1D6+1.
    Myrlia (cleric 3): AC: 15/14. HP: 27.Weapon Damage (heavy mace): 1D8 or by spell.
    Fannen (druid 5): AC: 16/16. HP: 41. Weapon Damage (sickle): 1D6 or by spell.
    The Ogre Tommy Two-toes (Hit Dice:4d8+12): AC: 17. HP: 30. Weapon Damage (great club): 2d8+7 or  (ranged: javelin) 1d8+5.
Initiative bonuses: Cal: +4/Kushear:-1/Ralvor: +1/Myrlia: +5/Fannen: +0/Tommy -1.
 Initiative rolls: 22/19/8/24/16/1. New combat order: Myrlia/Cal/Kushear/Fannen/Ralvor/Tommy.
   As the heroes cautiously approach the doorway, an immense shape looms out from the smoke. Had it stood upright instead of hunched over it would have towered over the group. Even so the brute was at least 7 feet tall. This creature’s python-thick apish arms and stumpy legs conspire to drag its dirty knuckles through the ash. The stooped giant blinks its dim eyes and an excess of soupy drool spills over its bulbous lips. Its misshapen features resemble a man’s face rendered in wax, then distorted by being left too close to a fire. It snarls as it charges, a sound the offspring of bear and man might make, showing flat black teeth well suited for grinding bones to paste.
Combat round 1!
   MyrIia reacted quickly and advanced swinging her weapon at the brutish giant. Rolling 1d20+2 to hit she gets a 4+2 for 6 total. She needed to beat an Armor Class of 17. She missed. Despite its lumbering gait the monster avoids her strike, its huge malformed 2-toed feet allowing it good purchase on the cobbled stone. “Ha Ha Ha ! “  the creature booms out like a bull moose. “Tommy likes playing with foods!“
   “Play with THIS!” Cal says as he activates his Retrieve Item spell. The young mage then tosses the tar-filled Tanglefoot bag he summoned from his pack to his hand. Using a Tanglefoot bag is a ranged touch attack. Cal needs to beat an Armor Class of 8 to achieve a hit.  Tommy will need to roll a 1D20 Reflex Saving Throw versus Difficulty Class 15 to avoid being entangled (stuck in one spot) and take a -2 penalty to all attack rolls & a -4 penalty to dexterity. Tommy can break free on a Difficulty Class 17 strength check. Cal has a ranged attack bonus of +5. The roll comes up 16. Add 5 for a total of 21. An easy hit. But Tommy rolls 19 on his Reflex roll. He manages to avoid being stuck, although the ogre still takes the other penalties plus is now limited to ½ speed. It lasts for 2d4 rounds before becoming brittle, cracking & falling away. I rolled a 5, so the effects of the bag wear off on round 6. The ogre snarls as the glop from Call’s alchemical creation covers him in a gooey mess. For a moment it would seem the rubbery stuff might hold Tommy in place, but with a sound like someone snapping their gum he pulls free. Yet it has made the brute struggle to move, giving the heroes the advantage.
   Kushear closes with the giant from the side opposite of Myrlia, and his sword flashes out in a shot aimed at the center. Kushear rolls to hit with a 7. Add his Basic Attack bonus of 2 & I get 9. Not good enough to beat Tommy’s new penalized Armor Class of 15. The giants scaly gator hide vest proves effective against his weapon and the blow fails to penetrate. But it does bring Kushear to the brute’s attention. “Elfies! Elfies are tastiest! Sweet meat! Momma always made candied elf eyes for me birfday! I miss Momma! Elfies kilted her! I kill you!”
   Fannen says aloud “Excellent tactic, Calderion! But let’s up the effect!” as he readies his own magic. Fannen casts his Tar Ball spell. A burning, sticky ball of black tar appears in the Druid’s hand. With a quick overhand motion he throws the smoking glob at the deformed monster. Fannen rolls a 14 to hit at range. He gets a +3 modifier to his ranged attacks for a total of 17. That beats the Ogre’s Armor Class of 15. The spell does 1d4 damage (+1 for Fannen’s strength adjustment). I rolled a 3, so it hits for 4 points of initial damage. The tar will burn for another round (1d4, rolled a 1) and do an additional (1d4, rolled a 1 again) single point of damage next round. It also gives the monster a -2 penalty on its dexterity. The hot tar plasters the malformed giant, but it largely ignores the flames, being more focused on the ½ elven paladin before him.
   Suddenly an arrow flies at the misshapen giant from off to the side. Ralvor fires his bow at the ogre. He needs to roll to beat an Armor Class of 15. His bonus to hit is +4 to hit with a ranged weapon, but he suffers a -2 penalty for firing at a Huge monster to avoid hitting his friends in close to it, so his total bonus is only +2. He rolled a 9, so with +2 its 11 total. He missed. But the arrow just bounces off the mottled leather armor. Ralvor curses and notches another arrow, and looks for a clearer shot.
   Tommy Two-Toes raises his huge club and swings two handed at Kushear. Monster rolled a 10, even with his +5 to melee attacks. He doesn’t even come close to hitting  Kushear. The sticky  hot mess that coats him causes his blow to be clumsy and Kushear easily avoids it. But proof of the giant’s strength is shown from the shower of sparks thrown up when the giant’s great club connects with the stone at his feet.
   The 1st round is over. None of the heroes have taken any damage. The Ogre is down to 26 hit points. So far so good.  This might be an easy fight after all. Maybe too easy?
   I’ll check with the Emulator: Q: “Do any reinforcements arrive?” A: “Yes.”
   Yeah, I thought so. I roll 1d8 to find out how many new opponents show up, and get a 3. I’ll have 3 renegade Lizardfolk hirelings emerge from the tower. Also I changed Tommy’s stats up to an Advanced Ogre, since the Average Party Level (APL) changed when Cal leveled up. Tommy is currently Entangled by Cal’s Tanglefooot bag & Fannen’s Tar Ball spell, for total penalties of  –6 to his dexterity score & -2 to attack. As these are temporary penalties, they are not figured into the stat block above. His penalized Armor Class rating is at 18 for now (changes to 19 when Fannen’s spell wears off) and his readjusted Hit Points are at 34 out of 38.
   I rolled a 19 for the new arrivals initiative, which ties them with Myrlia. But since the cleric’s initiative bonus is greater than the enemy she goes before them. Cal still follows them in the initiative order, then Kushear, Fannen & Ralvor. Last is Tommy.
Round 2!
   Myrlia swings her heavy mace out at Tommy. She has a +2 to hit in melee combat, along with the flanking bonus, to take a total of +4 added to her “To Hit” roll. She rolled a 1. Let me say that again. She rolled a 1.  An automatic, unqualified, absolutely no wiggle room MISS! But the giant uses his own great club to easily knock her blow away. He leans down over the ½ elf priestess and sniffs loudly as drool drips upon her head. “You smell tasties, too!” he says and smears even more slobber around as he licks his mouth.
Suddenly 3 of the renegade lizardfolk rush out from the tower’s blasted entrance. They pull back their arms and ready to throw the javelins they held. All 3 of them loose their weapons upon the heroes. One flies at Myrlia, another at Kushear, and the last at Calderion. Each has a +1 bonus to hit at range with the javelin. They rolled a 16, 17 & 8 to hit. With the bonus that becomes 17, 18, & 9. Both Myrlia & Kushear get hit. Cal is missed. Damage rolled is 2 points for Myrlia & 4 points for Kushear. Myrlia dips to 25 Hit Points, Kushear to 17. Myrlia cries out as the spear cuts across the back of her neck, while the one aimed at Kushear finds an opening in the back of his armor’s leg, causing the paladin to grimace in pain as the tip buries itself shallowly, causing a minor wound. Despite this distraction both keep their attention on the ogre as the true threat. The 3rd spear bounces off the Shield spell protecting Calderion. Both Kushear & Myrlia will get a flanking bonus of +2 to hit the ogre this round as they are positioned across from each other putting the ogre between them.
Calderion turns his attention to the newcomers. “Monsters!” Cal shouts as he snaps a spelled scroll from the bandoleer across his chest. He quickly unrolls it to the 1st of the 4 spells written there. With a word & a pointing gesture the wizard completes the magic. Red flames flare out before him, engulfing the lizardfolk. Cal uses his scroll of Burning Hands (x4). None of the enemies are close enough to the mage to get a chance at an Attack of Opportunity. I rolled 4d4 (instead of the normal 3d4 because of Cal’s Cypher Magic feat) for damage & got an 11. Bad guys can roll a Reflex saving throw vs. DC 11 for a chance at ½ damage. They rolled a 3, 18, & 8 so only 1 gets the reduced hit. So now…oh. Oh wow. I just noticed they only have 11 hit points each. I wiped out almost all the reinforcements in 1 blast. The only survivor has a mere 6 hit points. I almost feel guilty about it. Almost. When the roar of the flames stops, 2 charred husks drop to the ground to join the others left from the earlier blast. The remaining survivor is blackened & bleeding. It gives a screaming “Hiss!” in pain and rage at the loss of its companions. It snatches the morningstar from its waist and prepares to continue its attack in maddened desperation. For a brief second the battle pauses as everyone gives Cal an incredulous look. Then time seems to start up again, and the fight resumes.
   To help me keep better track of things I’ve opened up one of the magnetic Pathfinder Combat Pads I bought back when I thought I would be playing this with an actual group of live players. This thing has been kicking around the house for 2 years now, still in the package. I thought it was a total waste of money since my players lost interest but I’m finding it to be a useful visual aid to keep things organized for this project. Meh. So not a total loss I guess. Also I’ve discovered the wonder that is hyperlinks as seen above. From this point on I’ll just be naming the monsters and linking back to the online bestiaries. Rules too will now be linked back too if I feel I need to explain anything. The only time I’ll list stats going forward is for unique or custom made characters- such as the npc named villains & such. I’ll instead use Hero Lab for a lot of it, since it allows me to enter effects and will calculate any bonuses & penalties for me.
   Kushear stabs at the ogre from behind his shield with his longsword. Kushear needs an 18 to hit Tommy. He has a +4 melee combat bonus, plus another +2 flanking bonus for a total of +6. He rolls a 14 total. That won’t cut it. Literally. His attack is again thwarted by the tough gator hide the giant is adorned with.
   Fannen scoops up a handful of rock from the courtyard surface utters a few brief words in the secret language of the Druids. He then hurls 1 of the stones at the ogre before him. Fannen uses his Magic Stone spell to enchant a few rocks to use as weapons. If they hit they will do 1d6+1 in damage. He has +3 to hit at range, with an additional +1 from the spell. He rolls a 10. Total. That doesn’t beat Tommy’s Armor Class of 18. The stone simply skips off the ogre’s armor like it was skipping across a pond.
   With the arrival of the lizadfolk, Ralvor finds a new target for his bow. He takes aim from across the ruined courtyard and fires. The rogue has a +4 to hit with the bow. He rolls a 20 with the bonuses added. That beats the lizardfolk’s Armor Class of 17. He hit it for max damage: 6 points. That kills it! The arrow takes the enraged & hissing creature squarely in the chest. It crumbles to the ground to join the others in death.
   The smoldering tar covering Tommy sputters out, ending at least some of the distractions the ogre dealt with. Fannen’s spell ends this round after doing 1 more point of damage. Next round his Armor Class goes back up to 19. Tommy swings his great club about in a wild strike at Kushear. The monster rolls a 3 to hit. Again. Even adding in his +7 bonus for melee attacks to get a total of 10, he doesn’t even come close to hitting the paladin.  The weapon waves crazily in the air above Kushear’s helm, hitting nothing. All it does is get Tommy even more frustrated. “I crush elfies! I crush!” he bellows.
Round 3
   Mylia tries to deliver a spark of her goddess’ power unto the ogre, hoping to scorch the beast with the might of the heavens. She tries to touch the ogre to deliver her Inflict Moderate Wounds spell. To prevent the ogre from smashing her with an Attack of Opportunity I have her cast defensively and make a concentration check. The Difficulty Class (DC) of the spell is 19. She has a +6 bonus to her Concentration Checks, and rolls a 23 total. Success! The ogre’s Armor Class vs. touch attacks is a mere 8. Although the cleric’s bonus with touch attacks is only +2, she still manages to hit him (barely) when she rolls a 10.  Tommy can still make a saving throw roll for ½ damage, however if he makes a Will-based save against the spell’s DC of 15 (he gets a +5 bonus for that). He makes the save: He rolled exactly 15. Myrlia rolls 2d8+3 for damage and gets 15 total. Split that in ½ and Tommy takes 7 points damage. The evil of the monster is so great that he is able to at least partly resist even the power of the goddess. Still the divine fire manages to scorch through him, flickering with golden fire. Tommy’s Hit Points drop to 26.
   Calderion takes stock of the current situation, and switches his scroll out for another from his bandoleer. Again he flicks the scroll open and completes the magic inscribed there. A small orb of ice crystalizes into his hand as the final consonants are uttered. Cal pulls back and hurls the vaporous orb at the giant. Cal uses the spell from his scroll of Snowballs(X5) this time. The resulting orb is used as a ranged (touch) attack, so he only needs to hit Tommy with an 8 or better to do damage. Also, if the ogre fails to make a Fortitude-based saving throw against a Difficulty Class of 16, he’ll be considered staggered for the next round. Cal rolls a 15 to hit, so the orbs hit Tommy for 4d6 in damage. Damage rolled is 14. Tommy rolls a total of 21 for his Fortitude save, so he isn’t staggered, alas. It does drop him to 12 hit points though. The ball smashes into Tommy’s face, mashing the brute’s nose and causing blood to stream down and mix with the drool. His face is now even more deformed than ever, and his bellowing takes on a whinny pitch from the pain of his wounds.
   Kushear takes advantage of the monstrosity’s weakened state to step out from behind his shield and deliver a powerful swing of his sword. He puts his full force behind the blow. He uses his Power Attack feat and succeeds in hitting Tommy with a roll of 20 with all modifiers added. Damage is now 1d8+4, and I rolled a 6. Tommy’s hit Points drop to 6 points left. The blade cuts deep, adding to the damage the others have inflicted. Gravely wounded, the hideous thing starts to flail about desperately, unable to comprehend that such smaller enemies could defeat him.
   As the ogre struggles with his injuries, Fannen steps forward between Nyrlia and Kushear to attempt to deliver a final end to the suffering giant. He slashes upward at Tommy’s exposed throat with his sickle. Fannen strikes with a melee attack bonus of +4, and rolls exactly the 19 he need to hit. Damage is rolled at 1d6+1 and maxes out with a 7. That ends this fight. Blood spurts from the fatal cut and the infamous Tommy Two-toes, terror of the Slithering Deeps, drops to the ground. He makes a last gurgling wheeze as he breathes his last, and then lies dead at the feet of the heroes. For a moment all is silent except for the crackle of the remaining embers from the explosion. Then with a snap that ends the tableau, Cal rerolls and puts away his spell scrolls.  “Well. THAT was exciting. Is everyone all right?” he asks.
   “Nothing the gods can’t fix. “ Myrlia answers, as she raises the symbol of her Goddess and allows Her power to flow into her. Myrlia uses one of her Channel Energy daily allotments (she can use it 5x a day) to heal 11 points of damage to everyone in a 30 ft. radius. That brings all the injured back to full health.
   “My thanks to you and your Goddess.” Kushear says, rubbing at the spot where the spear had struck. “Shall we go on? I think it’s beyond time to end this evil once and for ever.”
   “Give me a moment.” Ralvor says as he does a quick search of the ogre. “Huh.. What do you make of these, Cal?” Ralvor holds up a handful of small vials, 3 of one type and 2 of another. Cal uses his Detect Magic ability, combined with his Spellcraft skill to roll to see if he can identify the potions. He has to beat a Difficulty Class (DC) of 21, determined by 15+(the creator’s caster level, which in the this case is 6). He has +13 to his skill, thus easily does so, getting 26 to ID the 3 Cure Light wounds potions, and 32 for the 2 Magic Weapon oils.
Scene 23
With the end of the fight, I went back to the Emulator to move the scene ahead. When I hit the End Scene button and advanced the Chaos level for the next scene, I got a “Scene Change” alert, with the details saying  the change involves an “Ambiguous Significance: the Bestowing of Energy”. This occurred even before I could ask any questions. Heh. This little flash program is sooo cool!
Ahem. I digress. Since it’s ambiguous, it might or might not be important. The part about “the Bestowing of Energy”,  however, is an easy fit into the game. Part of the gear the ogre had on him was a handful of potions. Specifically, 3 Cure Light wounds, and 2 Magic Weapon oils. I had already assigned these to Tommy when I created him. That loot is almost a definition of “Bestowing of Energy”, so I think I’ll just use that as the event, and move on into the tower.




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